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Today Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) held strategic engagements with the Kajiado County Alliances of Residentsโ€™ Association and the leadership from the county led by Kajiado West MP Hon. Sunkuiya George.
The focus of the discussions was areas of collaboration in advancing, fast tracking and understanding the status of water and sewerage interventions impacting residents of Kajiado, Ngong, Kitengela, Kiserian, Ongata Rongai areas within Kajiado County.
On water supply initiatives, AWWDA has constructed five boreholes with elevated tanks in Ngong, Rongai, and Kiserian providing more than 1 million litres of water daily. Additionally, the relocation of water and sewer pipelines along the Nairobi Expressway is set to benefit the residents with a daily supply of 2.5 million litres set to be realized by the end of February 2025.
Also, the Kiserian-Ongata Rongai Water Supply Project is nearing completion at 95% and aims to serve 150,000 people, providing 18 million litres of water daily. The project includes rehabilitating the existing Mbagathi and Kiserian Dam water treatment plants, 200 kilometres of water distribution network, and 8,300 new household meter connections.
Part and parcel of the strategic future plans for improved water supply and access to sewerage include the KES 12.5 billion Olooloitikoshโ€“Kitengelaโ€“Kajiado Water and Sanitation Project, featuring a 35 metre high dam set to supply 100 million litres of clean water daily and advanced waste stabilization ponds and trunk sewers.
In attendance was the AWWDA CEO Eng. Joseph Kamau, AWWDA Director Finance & Strategy Mike Kimotho, AWWDA Director Infrastructure Development Eng. Bonnie Nyandwaro, Kajiado West MP. Hon. Sunkuiya George, Members drawn from Kitengela Municipal Council, Kajiado Municipal Council, Ngong Municipal Council, OWASCO and Kajiado County residents associations K-MARA, OMARA, NMARA and KSARA among others.