The Government Delivery Services Team Inspects the Complete and Operational Karimenu II Dam

OnΒ  23rd June 2023 in Gatundu North, Kiambu County the Government Delivery Services (GDS) team, formerly the President’s Delivery Unit, led by Dr. Njeri Gitau, and a team from the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO) inspected the Karimenu II Dam and Water Treatment Plant, which are complete and operational.
The project is nestled majestically across the Karimenu River, the towering 59-meter-high dam stands as a testament to human ingenuity, and engineering marvels. Its completion marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainable water resources for residents of Ruiru, Juja and parts of Nairobi. But this project was not merely about constructing a dam; it was a transformative endeavor encompassing a state-of-the-art water treatment plant, an extensive 55-kilometer water transmission network, and two water storage tanks strategically located in Ruiru and Juja.
The journey to realize this monumental endeavor began in May 2019, as construction crews tirelessly laboured day and night to shape the landscape and carve out a masterpiece of infrastructure. Three years later, in May 2022, their unwavering dedication bore fruit, and the Karimenu II Dam proudly emerged as a fully operational structure, ready to revolutionize the lives of countless individuals by bridging the water supply demand.
However, the impact of this endeavour extended far beyond its technical achievements. The Karimenu II Dam project breathed new life into the surrounding communities, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of education, quality of life, and socio-economic prosperity. Under the guidance of the agency CEO Eng. Thuita, a brand-new school blossomed in Karimenu, equipped with 22 state-of-the-art classrooms capable of accommodating over 800 eager minds. Education, the cornerstone of progress, had found a new home within these walls.
But the transformation did not end there. Recognizing the paramount importance of access to clean water, the agency took bold strides to ensure that communities thrived under its nurturing wings. A staggering 90-kilometre water distribution network was meticulously crafted, weaving through the Karimenu II Dam Area and reaching the farthest corners of Kariua, Kanyoni, and Gituamba. With water now flowing freely into the homes and hearts of the locals, a wave of hope surged through these communities, nourishing dreams and cultivating a brighter future.
Moreover, the agency’s commitment to inclusivity and empowering education was vividly displayed by drilling a borehole, serving Kiriko Girls Secondary School, Kiriko Primary School, Kiriko Catholic Church, and Kiriko Special Needs School. These institutions, pulsating with energy and hope, have thrived under the nurturing embrace of abundant water. The Agency also upgraded the Kanyoni to Kiriko Church Road. The road, now elegantly coated with a smooth bituminous surface, served as a metaphorical gateway to progress, seamlessly connecting communities.
The entourage included the CEO AWWDA Eng. Michael M. Thuita, MBS, Eng. Vincent Rono (AWWDA), Mukami Matemo (GDS), Priscah Karu (GDS), Julius Nyoro (CIPU), and administration officers among others.