Inspection of Water Supply and Sewerage Projects for Gatundu
Today the Principal Secretary Water, Sanitation and Irrigation Joseph Wairagu Irungu inspected water and sanitation projects in Gatundu, Kiambu County. He inspected progress of the ongoing Gatundu Water Supply and Sewerage Project under the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Programme. The project is funded by GoK and the African Development Bank and it is being implemented by Athi Water Works Development Agency.
The project aims at providing increased water supply and improving sanitation through construction of waste water disposal systems for Gatundu town. It will involve rehabilitation of handege water supply to produce 9.6M litres of water per day, construction of Ruabora and Ngenda water supply each producing 4.2 million litres per day and laying of raw and treated water mains. A total of 58km of sewers both trunk and secondary will also be laid. Upon completion the project will have 2,000 sewer connections. So far 12km of reticulation sewers have been laid and 153 manholes completed.
He also inspected the Augmentation of Gatundu Water and Sewerage project. The project will supplement the existing water supply for residents of Gatundu; it involves drilling and equipping of boreholes and laying of water distribution network.
βHe was accompanied by Water Secretary Eng. S.A.O. Alima, AWWDA Director Godfrey Lemiso, AWWDA C.E.O Eng. Michael Thuita, Water Sector Trust Fund C.E.O Ismail Shaiye, Gatundu Water MD Patrick Mwangi and other officials.
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